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Locust Pose


The Locust Pose, or Salabhasana, strengthens the muscles in the lower back, abdomen, and legs. It helps relieve pain in the lower back and hamstrings.







How to do Locust Pose Yoga

The Locust Pose can be done by:

1. Start by lying on your belly, resting your forehead on the floor and arms alongside the body.

2. From here bend your elbows, bringing the palms of your hands on to the mat and keep the elbows close to the body.

3. Start to activate your legs, extending the toes back away from you and lift up the legs.

4. Now draw your abdomen in and up, as you lift your chest and head off the floor and gaze towards your nose. If you like, you can also straighten your arms alongside the back of your body – reaching your fingertips back away from you. Keep drawing the arms back towards each other.

5. If the pose feels too intense you can keep your legs on the ground, or keep your hands on the ground close to your body.

6. Stay in the pose for five breaths, trying to keep your breathing as smooth as possible.

7. Then, when you are ready, slowly release the body coming back into the lying pose with your forehead again resting on the floor and arms alongside the body.


• If this pose is too difficult, you can make it easier by only extending and lifting the front part of the body, and keeping your legs on the floor. Additionally, you could straighten your arms alongside the back of your body with the palms of your hands connected to the floor.


Read the following cautions to stay safe:

• Do not perform this pose when experiencing serious or chronic injuries in the back, arms or shoulders.

• Do not perform this pose when you’re pregnant or are experiencing menstruation.

• Do not perform this pose when you have been through recent abdominal surgery or have problems with the abdomen muscles.

• If you are concerned about anything with this pose, please consult your physician about whether this practice is good for you.

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