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Supine Hammock Pose with Yoga Strap

Supta Padangusthasana

The Supine Hammock Pose with Yoga strap, or Supta Padangusthasana, is a restorative pose that targets the hamstrings and gives the neck and lower back a gentle release.







How to do Supine Hammock Pose with Yoga Strap

The Supine Hammock Pose with Yoga strap can be done by:

1. Begin by lying down.

2. Make sure the Feelix Yoga strap is completely unfurled. Run the Feelix Yoga strap through slot one on the lock and pull the strap all the way through until the lock reaches the rivet.

3. Take the strap around the base of your neck and close the lock by threading the strap up through slot two, down through slot three.

4. Make sure the Yoga strap loop is as big as it can be. Bend the right knee and loop the strap over the ball of the right foot, keeping the other end of the loop around the base of the neck.

5. Straighten the right leg as much as possible.

6. Let the head be heavy in the strap so that the strap is supporting the neck.

7. Let the left arm come out to the side.

8. Flex the foot, making sure the second toe lines up with the middle of the ankle crease.

9. The left leg is straight. Press the leg down into the floor. Hug the muscles to the bones in the legs. Flex the foot with the toes facing up towards the sky.

10. Stay for some deep breaths. This pose can be held for a minute or more.

11. To come out of the pose bend the right leg and remove the strap, gently releasing the head back down to the ground.

8. Repeat on the other side.


• The lifted leg can have a bend in the knee if needed.

• Move the leg higher or lower by making the strap loop smaller or bigger.

• Two straps can be used with this pose. Use one strap with the left leg that is straight along the floor. Bend the left knee and hook the strap around the ball of the foot then straighten the leg. Hold on to the strap with the left hand. Then set up the hammock strap as above.


Read the following cautions to stay safe:

• Do not do this pose if you have a neck injury or issues.

• Be careful not to lock the knees. Have tiny bend/s in the knee/s if needed.

• Never push too far in a pose. Find your edge, but don’t move past it. You should feel the pose working in the body, but still be able to breathe deeply and find some ease in the pose.

• If you are concerned about anything with this pose, please consult a physician about whether this practice is good for you.

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