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Side Lunge


Skandasana, or Side Lunge Pose, is a yoga posture that involves a deep lateral stretch. It enhances hip flexibility, strengthens legs, and opens groins for improved mobility and balance.







How to do Side Lunge Yoga

The Side Lunge Pose, or Skandasana, can be done by:

  1. Begin in a standing position (Mountain Pose) with your feet together and arms at your sides.

  2. Inhale deeply, then take a wide step to the right with your right foot, turning your right toes outward.

  3. As you exhale, bend your right knee, lowering your hips into a lunge position. Keep your left leg straight and engaged.

  4. Place both hands on the floor inside your right foot. You can use yoga blocks for support if needed.

  5. Now, shift your weight to the right foot, and lift your left foot off the ground. Your left leg should be straight and parallel to the floor.

  6. Keep your chest lifted and gaze forward, maintaining a tall spine throughout the pose.

  7. If you feel comfortable and balanced, you can experiment with different arm positions. One option is to place your hands in prayer position (Anjali Mudra) at your heart center.

  8. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and evenly.

  9. To release the pose, engage your core, press through your right foot, and step back to the starting position.

  10. Repeat the same steps on the other side, stepping out with your left foot and bending your left knee into a lunge.


There are several alternatives and options you can explore with Skandasana to make the pose more accessible or to add variations to your practice. Here are some alternatives and modifications:

  1. Supported Skandasana: If you find it challenging to balance in the full expression of Skandasana, you can place a yoga block under your sitting bones for support. This will allow you to focus on the stretch without worrying about balance.

  2. Hand on the floor: Instead of placing both hands on the floor inside your front foot, you can keep one hand on the floor and extend the other arm upward, creating a side stretch. This variation is gentler on the hips and offers a different type of opening.

  3. Hand on the knee: To reduce the intensity of the pose, place one hand on the bent knee for support. This modification is especially helpful if you have knee issues or limited flexibility.

  4. Using a wall or chair: Practicing Skandasana near a wall or using a chair for support can provide stability and help you maintain balance while working on your hip flexibility.

  5. Dynamic movement: Instead of holding the pose statically, you can incorporate dynamic movement. From Skandasana, shift your weight to the other side, moving back and forth between the right and left sides. This flowing variation can be a great way to warm up and open the hips.

  6. Half Skandasana: Perform the pose with both feet on the ground, but with a less deep bend in the knees. This variation is useful for those with limited flexibility in the hips or knees.

  7. Seated Skandasana: If the standing version is challenging, you can practice Skandasana seated on the floor. Sit with your legs wide apart, bend one knee, and extend the other leg straight out to the side. Repeat on the other side.

Remember that every body is different, and it's essential to choose the variation that suits your level of flexibility and comfort. As you progress in your yoga practice, you may find that you can explore deeper variations of Skandasana. Always honor your body and avoid pushing yourself into a position that causes pain or discomfort. If you're unsure about which modification is suitable for you, consider seeking guidance from a qualified yoga instructor.


Read the following cautions to stay safe:

Skandasana (Side Lunge Pose) is generally a safe and beneficial pose, but there are some contraindications and cautions to consider:

1. Knee injuries: Avoid Skandasana if you have acute or chronic knee injuries, such as ligament tears or meniscus issues. The deep lunge position may exacerbate these conditions.

2. Hip issues: If you have hip problems, like hip impingement or labral tears, this pose may not be suitable. It can place stress on the hip joint, leading to discomfort or injury.

3. Ankle instability: If you have weak or unstable ankles, be cautious with this pose, as it requires balance and stability on one foot.

4. Pregnancy: Pregnant women should approach this pose with caution, especially as their center of gravity shifts. Modifications may be necessary to ensure safety and comfort.

5. Hamstring tightness: If you have tight hamstrings, you might feel strain in the straight leg during the pose. To avoid this, keep a slight bend in the knee of the straight leg or use yoga props like blocks for support.

6. Balance issues: Skandasana requires balance on one leg, which might be challenging for some practitioners. Practicing near a wall or using a chair for support can be helpful.

7. Lower back issues: If you have lower back problems, avoid rounding your spine during the pose. Engage your core and maintain a long, neutral spine to protect the lower back.

8. Groin or adductor strain: If you have a groin or adductor injury, proceed with caution in this pose. Gradually ease into the stretch and avoid forcing your range of motion.

Always listen to your body and respect its limits. If you have any concerns about whether Skandasana is suitable for you, it's best to consult a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional before attempting the pose. They can provide personalized guidance and adjustments based on your individual needs and limitations.

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